Friday, May 30, 2008

Reasons Why Yucca Mountain Should NOT be a Nuclear Waste Dump





(A slightly sarcastic take on the issue penned by former Las Vegas Sun scribe Launce Rake)
1. Putting highly toxic radioactive waste in and around volcanoes and earthquake faults is a recipe
for A Really Bad Day!

2. The Air Force drops REALLY, REALLY big bombs right next door.
Bombs + High Level Radioactive Waste = A Really Bad Day

3. Nevada is the driest state in the United States, and that means we need water. A lot. And one
of the big sources of water just happens to be under Yucca Mountain. Leaching radioactive
waste into our pristine aquifers will not improve water quality.

4. Yucca Mountain doesn’t belong to the United States government. By internationally recognized
treaty, it belongs to the Western Shoshone Nation. We need to start taking those treaty
obligations seriously.

5. The Department of Energy has failed to comply with the technical and legal requirements set for
using the mountain as a dump site. The agency bureaucrats’ two favorite words? “Trust Us!”

6. The Department of Energy doesn’t even have a completed design for the site. Their two favorite
words again…

7. The Department of Energy does not have a detailed plan in place if something goes wrong
because nothing, apparently, could possibly go wrong, go wrong, go wrong... Just in case,
though, the general idea for a response involves robots. The Department of Energy has Gov.
Schwarzenegger on speed‐dial.

8. Shipping the dangerously radioactive waste from throughout the entire United States creates
endless opportunities for terrorists or accidents to spill the material in millions of backyards.
Such an event would be A Really Bad Day for anyone in the neighborhood.
9. The latest Department of Energy plan is to put metal umbrellas over the canisters holding the
toxic radioactive waste to keep water from rusting holes in the cans. But the idea is to wait 100
years before putting the umbrellas up. Seriously. Volunteers to install the umbrellas are being
recruited from the High School Class of 2108.

10. The Department of Energy says not to worry, that as a Highly Responsible Federal Agency, they
will come up with a plan to deal with any problems. Just like their friends at FEMA and the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers came up with a plan to deal with Hurricane Katrina

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